- God the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. What more is there to say?
- My attitude of gratitude. Gratitude has opened my heart and allowed God's grace to rush in! It has permitted peace to linger, settle and make a home in my soul! It eradicates worry, cures perfectionism, turns chaos into order and confusion into clarity and so much more!
- My Faith. It sustains me.
- The Bible. There is a reason why it is the most widely read book of all time.
- My sorrow. My sorrow has not been ignored by God. God's love and grace shines through during my weakest moments and this brings more comfort, peace, strength and perseverance!
- My husband Mike. He lightens my load with his love, support, friendship..... He also gives great massages, something he has promised to do for me in 20 minutes, so I have to write quickly!!!
- My three children. They make me laugh, cry, and love.
- My mom. Her strength and resilience inspires me. She is an amazing person. I am so blessed!
- My dad. He loves me!
- Happy memories of Nicholas
- My friends. Their support has lightened my burden and reminded me that I am cared for.
- My job. My patients and their parents inspire me.... their daily struggles humble my heart and bring me to my knees with compassion.
- The "Hooch." I love ending my daily runs at the river. It is absolutely breathtaking. I love walking down to the bed of rocks across from our street. The water is freezing and the mist the river emits is like nature's air conditioner during hot weather days! It is awesome! Sometimes I find older kids and teens jumping from the rope swing right into the water when the water is calm!
- Good Health. If I live long enough, it won't always be so.
- Camp Outs with my family. Vogel State Park was so much fun this week. I enjoyed roasting marsh mellows and hot dogs, sitting by the fire, listening to Aiden tell ghost stories to Liam and Rori...
- Fishing with my children. The joy on their little faces....
- Hiking with my family.
- Answered prayers. All prayers are answered. Sometimes the answer is not what is expected, but they are always answered with purpose. Accepting the answer may be difficult, but I enjoy the freedom that comes with acceptance and trust. I am so grateful for all the prayers that have been said for me and my family! THANK YOU!
- Help from strangers. Kindness is ALWAYS welcomed.
- To be alive. Life is such an amazing miracle and gift! It is meant to be appreciated fully!
- Fire flies in the summer.
- Liam's kisses and hugs. They are the best.
- Rori's 'I love You's'
- Aiden's sense of humor. Laughter is great medicine
- Family
- Mike's humor.
- Bedtime prayers with Aiden, Liam and Rori.
- Angels. I do believe in God's servants.
- Music. I love it.
- Vision. Without it, I wouldn't get to see my children's beautiful faces, Mike's constant smile, 'the hooch', everything that is not man made....
- My legs. My friend's husband recently had bilateral surgical amputation. There are no guarantees in life. Accidents happen; illness happens; I am so grateful to be able to walk, run and play with my kids and do all the other things in life that walking permits me to do with greater ease.
- Perpetual Adoration I look forward to my daily visit to the Adoration Chapel at St. Brigid's once Liam and Aiden return to school at Holy Redeemer. It is my daily dose of heaven. If you are having trouble feeling God's love, just walk into a Perpetual Adoration Chapel (you don't have to be Catholic either). There is no denying His presence.
- Hope
- Love
- Faith
I will give you peace
Thursday, July 29, 2010
I am Grateful!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The Dragon Fly

Gone From My Sight
Henry Van Dyke
This is a beautiful poem written by Henry Van Dyke who was an early American writer, poet, and clergy man. Over the years it has been shared by our family and friends during various memorial services for dear loved ones now departed. My mom requested that it be shared during Nicholas' Requiem Service and was delivered with grace by my dear aunt, Adelita.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Reflections From the Heart: 'Why Not?'

Eulogy To My Baby Brother

Nicholas Cantarella, Jr was welcomed into this world and into our hearts on Monday, April 8th, 1985 at 3:41 in the morning in Nuremburg, Germany.
Dear Nicholas,
Nick was the name you preferred, but to mom and dad, you were and always will be our “Nickanitch.” Your kind and gentle spirit was one of your many gifts to us. Thank you my sweet baby brother. Your gift of finding the good in others is what drew so many to you. Your heart was busting at the seams with unconditional childlike grace. Words simply can not convey the pain of our shattered hearts. We will forever be grateful to you and to God for the time we had with you.
You were blessed with many talents. As a young member of the DC Flyers, anyone who had the pleasure of being your team mate (Andrew) would attest to your speed and agility. You were a track star in your own right. You ran a fast mile. One of my favorite track meets of yours was the Southeast Regional Meet held at the University of North Carolina. You ran with resolve and determination. You were your father’s son. Not surprising to me then was your 2nd place finish.
To say you were gifted with computers would be an understatement. I will not pretend I understood or fully appreciated your knowledge of the Linux Operating System, however, the mere fact that you and my brother in law, who by the way is a computer guru in his own right, could talk for hours on end without me being able to understand a single word you were saying, let me know just how bright you were.
You did not concern yourself with material or monetary wealth. You would gladly share or give away your earthly possessions if asked, perhaps with the exception of your birkenstocks, your Coca-cola and Big Red beverages. Your generous spirit spoke volumes to many.
I have had the pleasure of talking to and listening to your friends over the past 3 days and the one common thread in every conversation is that they considered you to be such a loyal friend. There is nothing you wouldn’t do to help a friend in need and judging from my conversations with your friends and cousins L.J. and Andrea, if they had the power to extend your time here on earth, they would do so in a heart beat just to spend more time with you. We all would, especially mom and dad. Know that I am listening to you and feel your loving embrace within me. Perhaps in time our shattered hearts will mend, but for now we will continue to turn to God for grace and comfort and to each other for support.
You lived a Christian life not by verbal ministry, but by example. You were a believer. Anyone who knew you would know that your heart was busting at the seams. And your spirit, your precious gentle spirit. It is the very thing that drew so many to you, particularly God’s children and little creatures. Your gentle childlike soul found common ground with children like Aiden, Liam, Rori and little Michael. They loved to be in your presence, to spend time with you, to play with you. God beams with pride at you. I feel certain our beloved Bogey is among those awaiting your entrance into the kingdom of God. Tyra was your source of pride and joy in recent years. There isn’t a thing you wouldn’t and did not do for your Tyra. Know that Tyra is being cared for by the best person capable of honoring your spirit, mom. If Tyra could be here with us, she would. Trust me, she tried. It took everything in me to hold her back as we departed the house you called home.
Words will never convey the magnitude of your love for us, especially your love for mom and dad. Your love is still here, we simply need to open our hearts to it and listen. It is in another dimension now. I had the wonderful pleasure of experiencing it yesterday. It was beyond beautiful and joyful, an almost nirvana kind of love. If what I felt was just a small ounce of what you are experiencing now in Heaven, and I’m sure it is, then let me reassure you, mom, dad, friends and family, Nicholas is in paradise, in a palace of joy and love that defies our imagination. Nicholas is with God and all the angels in Heaven. There is no doubt in my mind. For now I will await my turn with patience and joyful anticipation. For now I will continue to do God’s work. For now we will continue to rely on God for grace and comfort and to each other for support.
If there is one thing Nicholas would want us to practice in our daily lives, it would be to follow the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. (Matthew 7:12)
Your loving big sister always,